She is a charismatic Chilean influencer with a dynamic personality that is reflected in her content. claudipia


YouTuber, Instagramer and TikToker, loves to talk about travel, about the bi-cultural Mexico-Russia aleivanovastyle

Ale Ivanova

Natural leader in topics such as fashion and beauty. An international model from a very young age, is an absolute beauty reference for the audience of women innamoll

Inna Moll

Content creator, love nature, animals and try all sports. soylucasp

Lucas Petroni

He has not only managed to conquer the physical and green battlefields, but also the digital ones through its social networks and video games. gabrielalonso11

Gabriel Suazo

He is a Uruguayan chef who lives in Peru. He has managed to have his own pastry shop: "Pastelería Ignacio Baladan". ignaciobaladan

Ignacio Baladan